Stretch Blog

Stretches For Your Lifestyle

Included below is a list of helpful stretches which I recommend to my clients based on their areas of complaint. Most of my clients present with similar areas of complaint or imbalance. I provide these stretch suggestions at no extra cost, and I encourage everyone* to do that which leads to a more healthful lifestyle.

*Always check with your physician prior to stretching to make sure a stretch is beneficial for you. Remember not to over-stretch, and if you feel a stretch somewhere else (which is why I include visual aides), you may need to make some modifications to angle until you feel the stretch in the correct location. Only ever perform stretches safely. If you feel dizzy or unable to keep your balance while performing a stretch, stop. Chances are, there are better stretches out there that can be done safely.

Forward Head Posture

On today's society, most of us (including me) display what's known as "Forward Head Posture", commonly called Tech Neck. This is caused by the repeated posture of bending our neck over our phones, laptops, computers, books, tool benches, engines... you name it. It's almost unavoidable! Every inch that your head moves forward adds an extra 10 lbs to your cervical spine, upper back, and shoulders, leading to pain and tension. While standing, this posture puts more weight onto your toes, which leads to ankle, knee and hip tension, pain and imbalance. The links below are great resources for monitoring Forward Head Posture and correcting Tech Neck at the office using the Brugger's Stretch!

Tech Neck Brugger's Stretch

Low Back Pain &
Anterior Pelvic Tilt

Most of my clients complaining of Low Back Pain present with Anterior Pelvic Tilt. There are a couple different muscles which can be tight, causing this postural imbalance. Below are links to stretches which address these key muscles to unlock relief from Low Back Pain!

Quadratus Lumborum (QL) Iliopsoas Anatomy+Stretches Iliopsoas Stretches

Piriformis & Sciatica

The Sciatic Nerve is a long nerve that originates from the Sacrum in your Low Back/Hips and travels down the back/side of your legs. Piriformis is a muscle that lies deep beneath your Gluteus muscles in the Greater Sciatic Notch, and can compress your Sciatic Nerve leading to Sciatica symptoms- Numbness, Tingling, Burning, or Shooting Pain down the sides of your legs, and Low Back Pain. Below are some useful stretches for loosening up Piriformis and reducing Sciatic Nerve Pain.

Piriformis Stretches Sciatic Nerve Stretches Sciatic Nerve Flossing/Gliding


The Tensor Fascia Latae (TFL) is a relatively small muscle that when tight, has a BIG impact on hip, knee, and ankle pain! The TFL is located on the sides of your hips, between the top of your leg joint and your top arch of your pelvis.
The TFL pulls on your Iliotibial Band (ITB), which is a thick band of fascia that travels from your leg and hip joint and inserts below your knee.
It's then picked up by your Tibialis Anterior muscle on the front of your lower leg, which pulls your foot into inversion and dorsiflexion.
The ITB is usually riddled with adhesions, and because it's a muscle, it has to be addressed in a different way.
The stretches below can help loosen the affected muscles, but I've also included some information about fascia and Myofascial Release (MFR), which is a massage modality that works with fascia more than muscle.

Extra Credit- Quad Stretch

Still tense? Can't find what you're looking for? Shoot me an email to schedule an appointment or click the button to the right to book one within my available schedule!

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The health and wellness of my clients is my top priority. I attempt to go above and beyond for each of my client's unique needs and wellness goals. If you're interested in receiving Massage Therapy, I encourage you to book a session with me.

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