
Below are a few of the most popular Massage Services that we offer. You can find the full list of services we offer by selecting Book Service under any of the below services. This will take you to our booking site on MassageBook. After booking, keep an eye out for an e-mail asking you to fill out our Client Intake form online. This Client Intake form MUST be completed before your session.

Classic Swedish Massage

60 minutes: $75
90 minutes: $100
120 minutes: $125
*Check out our Discount Programs page for a way to lower your cost!

Swedish Massage is the most traditional and common form of Western Massage. When most people say that they need a massage, this is the type they mean. Swedish Massage is arguably the most relaxing form of massage because it usually focuses on the superficial layers of tissue. Swedish Massage incorporates a variety of techniques that assist in fluid movement.

If this is your first time receiving a massage, I strongly recommend this service.

-Associated Benefits:

  • loosening tight muscles and stretching connective tissues
  • relieving cramps and muscle spasms and decreasing muscle fatigue
  • loosening joints and improving range of motion
  • overall relaxation and stress reduction

*Local or systemic contraindications may prevent this type of massage

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Deep Tissue Massage

60 minutes: $100
90 minutes: $125
120 minutes: $150
*Check out our Discount Programs page for a way to lower your cost!

Deep Tissue Massage is an intense massage experience that uses stronger pressure to access deeper forms of musculature. Most often our strongest muscles are often the muscles that cause us the greatest burden.

While the benefits of accessing and releasing these deeper muscles are great and sometimes necessary, some may find this type of massage to be too intense or aggressive, as stuck muscles are often tender. However, there are techniques which I employ that help reduce the occasional uncomfortable feeling associated with Deep Tissue Massage.

Using deep pressure is arguably the best method for relieving chronic low back pain, head neck and shoulder tension, and hip and glute tension.
*Various conditions may prevent the application of this type of massage. If at any time you feel too much pressure or are uncomfortable, please notify your LMT immediately.

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Cupping Therapy & Hot Stone Therapy:

Add 20 minutes of Cupping Therapy and/or Hot/Cold Stone Therapy to Classic Swedish Massage or Deep Tissue Massage for
Check our Discount Programs page for a way to save money!

The addition of Cupping Therapy or Hot Stone Therapy into a Massage Therapy session has become increasingly popular over the last few years.
Both techniques are forms of alternative medicine in bodywork.
In Cupping Therapy, cups are placed onto the skin in such a way as to create suction to help with pain, inflammation, circulation, relaxation, and overall well-being. Cupping Therapy, while focusing on the superficial layers of tissue, can be a great introduction into Deep Tissue Massage due to the pressure of the suction. Cupping Therapy, while a trend now, dates back to 1550 B.C!
In Hot Stone Therapy, smooth stones are heated and/or cooled and placed in key areas of your body or used in Swedish Massage Strokes. Heat is typically used to increase bloodflow and ease muscle tension and pain, while cold helps relieve inflammation.

*The application of suction cups on the skin typically cause suction marks that last up to 2 weeks after treatment. The application of Hot Stones has the potential to cause minor burns. If at any time you feel uncomfortable in any massage, please let your LMT know. Certain local or systemic contraindications may prevent the addition of this service.

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Five-Element Shiatsu

Shiatsu is an Eastern modality of massage and alternative medicine which involves bringing harmony to different aspects of your body. Shiatsu believes that energies and emotions are stored in the visceral organs, which each correspond to one of the Five Elements, and cycle through the body in specific pathways known as meridians. When these energies become blocked or deficient, it causes disharmony or disease. A Shiatsu practitioner places pressure on points along these meridians to allow energy to flow smoothly bringing balance to the body.

Shiatsu, and Eastern massage modalities in general, ARE VERY DIFFERENT to Western Massage modalities.

In a typical Shiatsu session, you can expect the LMT to sit next to you on a mat and assess your Hara (or abdominal area) to determine which organs are Jitsu (too full) or Kyo (too empty). During this time, the LMT will ask you lots of questions about things that may not seem related. Then, the LMT will begin positioning your body in different ways to open meridians of energy and compress on various pressure points using fingertips, knuckles, knees, heels, and toes.

60 minutes: $100

90minutes: $125
120 minutes: $150

*If you book this type of massage, please wear loose comfortable clothing which is flexible and fixed. If you have any questions, please e-mail prior to booking.

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